"I'm pregnant."
His hand froze mid-air as he made to swallow the morsel of Eba in his hand. In confusion and disbelief, he stared at her.
"You said?"
"I'm pregnant."
"For who? Me?"
"No. Not you."
"Who is he?"
"It's complicated."
"What's complicated? You no sabi the man wey give you belly?"
"That's the issue, he is not a he per se."
"Is he a she? Are you pregnant for a woman?"
"So who is the father of the child you carry?"
"I think it's God."
"You said?"
"I think it's God."
"Are you mad?"
"Have you been drinking?"
"Did you smoke or eat weed?"
"So who give you belly?"
"How many times did I call you?"
"You say God give you belly? You don kolo o!"
"Maybe. But I know what I know."
Joseph swallowed the Eba morsel, drank water, and then looked at her.
"She who the gods want to destroy, they first make mad."
"I'm not mad. I know what I saw and heard. I'm not lying. I'm pregnant for God "
Olumide Holloway (King Olulu)
Inspired by Joseph and Mary.
Source Code: Matthew 1: 18-25, Luke 1: 26-38.